Welcome to this page, designed for all the friends which shared with us the nice inventors tour through Canada in June 2000. Everybody else interested is also welcome!
======>This page seems for ever under construction,
In 2000 I started to insert the JPEG Files processed from the pictures. If I get more material available, I will add more! (michael.faerber(at)wildspace.de)
In 2001 I added some more text to the pictures, and added some scanned photos to the Vancouver Island part!
In 2002 I corrected and tested various links. The host of my page merged with another provider, which caused some re-location and renaming of my files.
In 2018 some further web-host re-location was necessary. Along with this modifications, I removed the high resolution links from the pictures, to reduce complexity and file space.
In 2022 I felt that a further update of the page is needed, because much information about myself was now inaccurate by changed affiliations, and finally be the fact that I retired in 2021. Further the original Website has designed with tools from 2000, and each correction and change was getting over the time more awkward. I switched to WordPress as a tool and reconstructed the sites as they had mostly been in the original Website.
Thank you very much, and I hope you visit us again.
How it started:
The time I spent in the mobile radio business, in varying responsibilities, provided very often the opportunity to do some creative designs. These interesting activities, mostly taking place in motivating teams, resulted in a number of inventions, filed ones and granted ones. In 1997 I received the Inventors Award of the business unit. However, a very productive time regarding inventions started after 1997, and I increased the total number of filings significantly. In 1999 I was awarded as the Siemens Inventor of the year 1999, together with other 11 colleagues from various technology divisions the world-wide operating company coming.
Inventor Awards:
On December 7th the whole inventors crowd of 1999 was invited to a dinner with Dr. v. Pierer, the Siemens CEO. The following picture of the group was taken on this event.
Picture by Siemens
Dr. v. Pierer handing over the award, (the bronze sculpture is not visible in this picture) here checking out the presence of a jacket pin, showing a miniature view of the sculpture.
Picture by Siemens
An etxtra award from the business unit:
Our business Unit gave a big party in Berlin, to celebrate the achievement of the UMTS (3G) Standards release 99. For non mobile radio insiders, this was the first release of the UMTS standard. To achieve this, a large number of Siemens engineers where involved, working hard to contribute to this goal. The party was a thank you to all people in Siemens involved in this challenging project. Further the business unit celebrated the fact, that in 1999 two engineers of the business unit get awarded to be Siemens Inventor of the year. The nice idea was to add something special to the official price. For my pleasure, I got a Porsche 911 for one month, including all expenses (excluding speeding tickets). Although I am not mad on cars, I appreciated the price. I was happy in having not got a years membership in a Golf Club, like my colleague and as well awarded Inventor Dr. Anja Klein.
Difficult to get any pictures of the car whilst in motion, (except the police, but I avoided this). Therefore some still pictures, showing the car and my family.
Picture by Sabine Färber
Picture by Michael Färber
The use as a family car is somewhat limited, but my daughter at least discovered the use as puppet theater, as a second application.
Picture by Sandra Färber
The inventor trip June 2000:
To visit the stations of our inventors trip in correct timing, please click in the Startmenu the pages in the following order: Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains 1, Mountains 2, Vancouver Island. You find all links in the start menu and as well at the end of each page.